I founded K9-CONSULTING, in April 2011, and later renamed it to GOOD-DOG-BERLIN ©️.
I’m a native Berliner and speak English, German and French fluently. I live with Jamie, my husband and fellow dog trainer, and our 3 dogs in Mahlow, Berlin.
Having been employed at a foreign mission in Berlin for over 20 years, I’ve been looking after all the relocation needs of diplomats and their families.
After having completed theoretical and practical training and receiving the official certification for dog trainers in Germany (§11), I look since 2011 after Expats and their dogs in order to help them to enjoy each other and life in the ‘Hundehauptstadt’ Berlin.
Since its implementation in 2014, I hold the Dog Trainer License Paragraph 11, Nr. 8 (f) issued by the German Veterinary Office (Veterinäramt Luckenwalde). This new, compulsive law was created Germany-wide to examine the dog trainer’s qualification as a dog trainer and behaviourist, and to prove that the training is performed according to German Animal Welfare Principles.
Due to the high demand – as many of my clients are frequent travellers – I also applied in 2015 for the paragraph 11, Nr. 8 (d) for caring and boarding of dogs. After checking my qualifications and an inspection of my facilities (house and garden), I was granted the official permission to board dogs (Veterinäramt Luckenwalde).
In 2016 new Dog Laws were passed and implemented in 2019 by the Berlin Senate, the so-called Berliner Hundegesetz with the main focus on the “Hundeführerschein” – a licence that allows dog owners to have their dog walk off-leash in not-crowded streets and other areas, where dog owners without this license need to keep their dog on a leash. Since 2019 I am an officially recognized ‘Sachverständige zur Abnahme der Sachkundeprüfung’ – I am licensed to administer the theoretical and practical exams for the “Berlin Hundeführerschein”.
After assisting Kerstin for many years, in 2019 Jamie Heinrich-Stewart decided to sit – and of course passed – the dog trainer and behaviourist exams. Since 2019 he too holds the Paragraph 11, Nr. 8 (f) dog trainer license (Veterinäramt Luckenwalde).
Foster care of a rescue puppies for the charitable animal-protection organization 'Glückspfoten e.V.'
Foster care of a homeless puppy from the Zossen animal shelter for the charitable animal-protection organization 'Schützende Hand e.V.'
Voluntary work with homeless dogs at the Zossen animal shelter since 2013